Strength of the Stallion
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Our Company

MRS is a Pan-African conglomerate of companies diversified in activities, but focused on capturing the entire value chain in oil trading, shipping, storage, distribution and retailing of petroleum products. MRS which was founded in 1995, commenced operations with MRS Transport Co. Ltd to bridge the gap in haulage of petroleum products to end users. Following the expansion of the haulage business, MRS Oil and Gas Co. Ltd was incorporated to purchase and distribute refined products from its storage facility in Tin Can. In 2004, MRS Holdings Limited was incorporated to oversee all the business segments of the group with its operational Headquarters in Lagos.


01. Our Vision

To be the leading integrated African energy company recognized for its People, Excellence and Values

02. Our Mission

To become the preferred fuel marketer in the hearts and minds of the customers, mostly recognized because of the reliability, quality, cleanliness and safety of the products and services offered.

03. Our Value

»   Performing our jobs with the highest integrity
»   Respect the laws of the countries we operate in
»   Training our people to become the best professionals
»   Applying our standards and honesty towards the stakeholders we deal with
»   Creating an attractive and competitive Total Shareholders Return

Business Model

MRS Business Model is aligned to realize the mission by focusing on the vision